(click a question to view answer)
- How are the products created?
- At the heart of this technology is the concept of information storage. Through a proprietary process, 'information' in the form of subtle energy patterns is stored in a hologram which serves as a primary 'carrier' material. This hologram is structurally modified on a subatomic, quantum or subtle energy level when the product is encoded or programmed. When this subtle energy pattern or program is absorbed into the hologram, the material is permanently vibrationaly patterned. Once imprinted the hologram transmits or radiates this coherent energy 'pattern' which has a variety of positive effects, depending on the specific use.
- How do the products work?
- Our products 'repattern' the electromagnetic field by creating a 'coherent polarizing field effect'. When the charged particles are repatterned into a new coherent order they become polarized rather than random and chaotic. The damaging effects of the electromagnetic fields are neutralized without having to eliminate the field itself.
- Why our products are coherent?
- Highly 'organized' materials are more effective subtle energy carriers. Because a subtle energy field is highly coherent it can induce resonance in material objects as well as change an electromagnetic (EM) force field. When subtle energy fields interact with any electromagnetic field the contents or qualities the EM field can be changed. Through this interaction a more coherent life enhancing effect occurs.
- How does this change occur?
- Change can take place when the body-mind or the environment enters into resonance with other fields. In other words: if another field appears, whose content is known to and therefore can 'resonate with' the previous field, the contents or qualities of this previous field can be changed. When the SafeSpace products interact with the electromagnetic field a change occurs without changing the strength (magnitude) of the electromagnetic field itself, is not reduced. The incoherent chaotic noise level of the energy which often 'rides on' such fields is reduced or cleared.
- Why the Products are different:
- Today, people all over the world use magnets, shields, bio-circuits, gems, metal bracelets and other means to assist their reception into the physical body of the etheric, or Universal Field of Life Energy. Many of these devices are helpful yet all of them are limited by functioning at a pre-determined state of resonating capacity. The magnet, bracelet, bio-circuit and shield help to bring the physical body into resonance with the qualities of vibration they carry. However, even the natural pattern of gemstone, magnet, subtle element, or earth vibrations can 'lock' their user into a continual sympathetic response to the device's unique but limited range and state of frequency.
- What is subtle energy?
- We use 'subtle energy' to describe all subtle physical and super‑physical energies up to the level of mental or thought vibrations. It defines an energy beyond our five physical senses. Sub‑atomic and electromagnetic energy are amongst the first physical manifestations of subtle energy. Sub‑atomic matter is currently seen by modern physics as energy patterns and forces, vibrating at speeds often approaching that of light.
- What are the characteristics of subtle energy?
- In the Quantum view a subtle energy field is a fluid mutable field of 'information' which is constantly exchanging and redistributing energy. Because subtle energy waves are coherent they can disseminate into space and through resonance influence the environment we live in or our physical body. When a subtle energy wave resonates with a person or on a place it can permanently imprint its 'signature' and cause a positive change.
- Why do electromagnetic fields affect subtle energy
- All electromagnetic energy, including light, affects the movement of the energy patterns at sub‑atomic or subtle energy levels. Research has shown that subtle energy can affect the subatomic energy patterns as well as electromagnetic fields. Sub‑atomic energy and electromagnetic energy are held together by similar forces. The only difference is in the number of electrons, protons and neutrons they carry in their atoms. Because of this relationship they will interact with, attract and repel each other.
- How do Subtle energy waves affect electromagnetic waves?
- The interaction between subtle fields and classical electromagnetic fields, whether man-made or natural, has been described scientifically. Because subtle energy field are coherent they have a greater influence on electromagnetic fields. When subtle energy information is transferred to electromagnetic (EM) carrier waves the artificial EM fields are stabilized and brought into a new coherent order and making them safe.
- Is both the electric and magnetic field affected?
- Subtle energy fields primarily influence the magnetic field forces in the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. Because electromagnetic radiation is composed of both an electric component and a magnetic component, the electric component will be always be directly affected by magnetic shifts.
- What is Life Energy or the Life Force?
- The Life Force has been known in many cultures for millennia as the source of energy that promotes health and well being. The Chinese call it Chi; in India it is referred to as Prana. Today it is called bio‑energy, the auric force field, vortex energy and many more. In the world of physics it is known as scalar or subtle energy and has also been referred to as time-reversed waves, non-hertzian waves, longitudinal waves, scalar waves, or zero-point energy.
- Does one's energy relate to this Life Force?
- Energetic is a term which is used in this context to describe processes which are related to life energy. In contrast to the classical, physical energies, life energy does not dissipate. Rather than evenly dissipating, it has the tendency to conglomerate. So a healthy living being attracts more life energy than it loses.
- How does change happen with the SafeSpace products?
- Subtle energy communication occurs through resonating waves which transmit information. Waves are encoders and carriers of information and have infinite capacity for information storage
- What is Resonance?
- Resonance occurs when systems vibrate in unison. When two objects have frequencies or oscillations that are close to each other, a kind of mutual sensing occurs and they will resonate at the frequency dictated by the stronger of the two oscillations. For example, when a string in a guitar is plucked, any string, which is at a nearby resonance, will start oscillating at the driven frequency. When resonance is achieved there is continual and maximum energy exchange between the systems. Positive change can take place when programs resonate with and activate and strengthen existing programs in the body-mind or the environment
- What is Coherency?
- Molecules tune into each other through these resonating waves and vibrate in unison 'til they reach a level of coherence. An in‑step or in‑phase behavior of waves occurs when all the particles or waves are aligned and moving in the same coherent pattern. When fields become coherent operate in tandem coherent fields they can be organized to positively effect a situation.
An analogy is that of a light bulb compared to a laser beam. Ordinary light is diffused with the energy going in many directions (incoherent) whereas lasers are very focused beams of light with the energy going in the same direction (coherent). Lasers are called 'coherent light' because all the particles or waves are aligned and moving in the same coherent pattern. Likewise when we, as human beings, can align our spirit, mind, and body and become focused, we can indeed become powerful beings. The SafeSpace products are highly organized and strong centers of energy that induce order into chaotic fields .
Principles of Resonance and Interference Two types of informational contents (programs) are programmed into the products
Resonance programs resonate with and activate existing programs in the biosystem to strengthen the individual. When there are centers within the body which radiate in the frequency band of our product then resonance occurs and the new resonant wave pattern is absorbed by that area of the body. This process creates a more coherent energy field has a harmonizing and strengthening effect.
Interference programs interfere with and neutralize the program of and agent in the body-mind that is causing an imbalance. TESTING
- How is electromagnetic energy tested?
- Electromagnetic waves that runs our radio, TV, cell phones, etc. have frequencies, wave action and motion that we can measure. Our current frequency instruments and meters measure these waves by interacting with electron flow and energy transmission . Conventional scientific instruments measure electric and magnetic fields by interacting with denser levels of energy than subtle energy fields. These instruments are not sensitive enough to detect subtle fields which propagate at faster-than-light speed.
- How can the SafeSpace technology be tested?
- Because of the nature of the subtle energy that is being modified by the SafeSpace device normal scientific instrumentation is not sensitive enough to pick up the vibrational shift occurring in the environment. The effects of the device are easily tested through methods that can detect biological effects or subtle energy changes. The effects of our products on the body have been tested through electroacupuncture, kinesiology, Heart Rate Variablility, Bioresonance Testing. These and other testing methodologies have been extremely helpful for showing the effect an energy device has on the human body.
- What are the SafeSpace products?
- The SafeSpace products are ideal for stabilizing and balancing the energy fields of your environments. The effectiveness of the SafeSpace technology is based on its ability to interact with the environment's constantly changing condition and establish equanimity.
The SafeSpace devices are designed to balance and harmonize our environments by creating a peaceful and harmonious flow of the energies or the life force throughout the space it affects. Although it is designed to work on an 'energetic' level with the environment, it can have a very tangible and beneficial effect on those living and working in those spaces. By creating a more relaxed, comfortable environment a variety of benefits occur.
The SafeSpace life enhancing energy patterns radiate a profoundly coherent energy field which activates the flow of the Life force helping to clear and open and balance a broad range of environmental situations. - Clearing Electrosmog
- The SafeSpace Products are designed to neutralize and protect environmental spaces from detrimental energies such as high-frequency pollutants from the electrical wiring in your home/business; negative effects of electrical lines as well as electrical appliances; geopathic stress from earth radiations; and the toxic effects of other disharmonious energies.
- Affecting Feng Shui of environments
- We are profoundly affected by our surroundings, particularly our homes and work environments. For centuries the Chinese have practiced the art of feng shui (proper placement). This practice is based on an appreciation of the natural flow of ch'i or life force and vital energy through the environment. They have taught that if a person changed and balanced his surroundings, he could balance and improve his life.
The energy in one's environment will affect it's atmosphere and therefore its occupants. We may feel comfortable, healthy and safe in a clear environment where the energy is balanced. On the other hand, an imbalanced or sick environment may leave us feeling weak, anxious or depressed. - Affecting toxins
- The atmospheric conditions within the home may amount to a poisonous cocktail of gases emanating from the building materials and or furnishings. Dust has its own chi energy which tends to stagnate when it becomes stuck in one place. Clutter harbors old chi energy and makes it difficult for energy to move smoothly through a building.
The SafeSpace products can help by raising the vibration of the environment. These noxious chemicals may still be recognized as being present, their negative effects are made null and void. Obtrusive odors may be noticed to diminish or even vanish. - Clearing the 'psych' of a space
- Environments are energetically patterned by how people use the spaces. Rooms do not become empty just because people leave them physically. Places are affected by human psycho-physical energies. These energetic patterns remain in the subtle field of the environment even after we physically leave a place and can affect how a particular space feels. This pattern of energy has a subtle form and structure to it and can have a toxifying effect on an individual if the energy is particularly chaotic and negative. .
Old buildings will have absorbed some of the ch'i energy linked with the happy or sad events that have taken place there. Most of this washes away with time but a residue could stay for centuries. Negative chi energy hangs on in parts of a building that are dark or damp, and can affect the lives of people living there. If generations of occupants have experienced similar misfortunes (for example, illness, divorce, bankruptcy) it could be caused by the Feng Shui of the building. The lower negative psychic energies that can 'possess' our buildings and our surroundings can be another invisible disturbance that can be felt. These vibrations can be left behind in furniture and floors and walls due to the history of subtle bodily communications that permeate many buildings..
The SafeSpace device clear the effect of disharmonious energies and noxious thought emanations. Removing these energies can erase constricting conditions, allowing a freer, fresher participation in that environment. This clearing eliminates tensions and promote a more healthy and productive milieu. With use of the SafeSpace products the entire environment will take on a brighter, lighter and clearer quality. People often comment on how much the place feels as though a breeze of fresh air has cleared the space and that it's easier to breathe! HEALTH RISKS - SOURCES
- What are electromagnetic fields in the atmosphere doing to us?
- Electromagnetic fields in the atmosphere influence all our senses, our metabolic processes and even the way we think. Research has shown that the chaotic nature of particles from artificial electromagnetic fields disturbs the natural energetic field of our body, resulting in damage to the body's tissues. These fields can significantly interfere with and alter basic electrical functions, shutdown vitality, and eventually produce disease. With prolonged or frequent exposure dangerous bioeffects can occur. Radiation is cumulative and its effects devastating, both short and long-term.
- What is Geopathic Stress?
- Geopathic stress is a result of subtle electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the earth that are harmful to biological systems. It includes: water veins, underground streams crossing, ground water currents, fault lines, cavities and mineral deposits. Electrically charged ground Global grids - Hartmann net or Curry grid can also cause severe disturbances if working or sleeping over these lines. Over a period of time, noxious energies zones located directly beneath, for example, a patient's bed or work desk, can not only drain a person's energy, they also block the success of any medical treatment (traditional or alternative methods).
- Can EMFs come from the ground?
- Yes. Electrical Ground Current is an important concern in electromagnetic exposure. This is electrical current returning to the substation through the earth as 'stray voltage'. Electrical ground currents occur when the utility's wire is overloaded and returns back to the substation 'off the wire', traveling through the earth conducted by soil, water, plumbing lines. This causes human and animal exposure to high frequencies.
- Does radiation affect vegetation?
- Grain and other vegetation can absorb radiation from the soil where it was deposited by the winds from radioactive clouds. Once radiation is absorbed in grain it will survive all refinement and cooking processes. Trees and grass, as well as agricultural plants, absorb radiation. When they are destroyed through logging, fires, and cultivation, the radiation is reintroduced into the atmosphere. Radioactive waste is added to some fertilizers, which are then spread on tobacco crops. Smoking two packs of cigarettes will treat you to the equivalent of a staggering sixteen times the amount of radiation absorbed annually by the average American.
- Are vehicles toxic?
- Automobiles, planes, buses, trains and motorcycles are also recognized as powerful generators and receivers of electromagnetic pollution. Highways often parallel power lines and other sources of heavy radiation. The electrical system of a vehicle also generates detrimental electromagnetic fields.
- What about Jet Lag?
- Jetlag is partly due to the continuous energetic jangling caused by crossing the earth's magnetic grid. This also explains why crossing east-west or west-east is worse in effect than a journey north-south or south-north. Commuters generally say they have more energy, and experience less 'Jet Lag' or after effects when using the SafeSpace products. SafeSpaces provide the necessary protection, and jet lag is alleviated.
- Is there a link between our health and electromagnetic fields?
- Leaders in both holistic therapy as well as electromagnetic field research agree that many of the everyday maladies for which people cannot find a standard medical basis may be caused or aggravated by these electromagnetic waves. Countless people worldwide report symptoms they believe to be a result of this constant bombardment by low-level electromagnetic waves. Thousands of studies worldwide have shown that over exposure to electromagnetic fields has a direct effect on the loss of integrity of our natural inner frequencies resulting in the distortion of the natural rhythms of the body's various systems. This can lead to a weakened immune system, lower the body's resistance to bacterial and viral infections and eventually may lead to devastating illnesses, such as cancer and degenerative diseases.
- What kind of health effects has scientific research shown?
- Many research studies have found that the ELF and radio frequency radiation can cause other biological changes. Such as:
- Enzyme changes that affect DNA and cell growth; possible result in cancer and birth defects.
- Changed metabolism and increased cell growth.
- Fetal abnormalities, probably caused by enzyme changes.
- Gene expression changes, which creates stress on your body and even result in cancer.
- Increased production of stress proteins within cell, possibly to Alzheimer's disease.
- Chronic stress induced by exposure to EMFs, which can lead to heart conditions.
- Neuro-hormone changes, which can result in memory loss and impaired brain function.
- Electro-smog disturbs the growth of cells and the information flow between cells
- Why do higher frequencies have more serious health effects?
- The fields that appear to be of most concern are those that are very strong, near the body, or of high frequency. High frequency electromagnetic fields are caused by computers televisions, cell phones, airline or automobile power systems, fluorescent lights, transformers in electronic equipment, all motors, and wires carrying high current, and microwave ovens Small fields near the body can radiate magnetic fields and cause problems. Electric blankets, heating pads, and laptop computers, hair dryers, clocks and refrigerator motors can also be a big problem if near the body for long periods of time.
- Are wireless technologies a health concern?
- At its most basic level, wireless service relies on the transmission and reception of signals by means of radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic waves (see diagram). Research has shown that radio frequencies can create detrimental health effects depending one's proximity to the field. Wireless frequencies from Microwave towers and WIFI routers are now creating a soup of ambient toxic fields.
- Can one be shielded against the entire electromagnetic field?
- While electrical fields can easily be shielded, magnetic fields penetrate concrete, steel and human bodies. The entirety of a magnetic field will enter the body. The chaotic nature of particles from artificial electromagnetic fields disturbs our natural energetic field, resulting in damage to the body's tissues and other serious health implications.
- Why do we absorb radiation?
- The human body, composed of ions, minerals and water, is a strong conductor of electrical energy and is a very effective antenna structure. The functions and responses of the human body are controlled by weak electromagnetic pulses from the brain. Billions of electrical impulses regulate the activity of every living cell, affecting the body's well-being and its ability to heal itself.
- Why do electromagnetic fields harm the body?
- The healthy human body resonates with the earth's magnetic field at just under 10 Hz. Scientific studies have shown that the frequencies above the range that the body operates can create serious biological stress. (the extremely low frequencies (60 Hz.) and higher ranges of radio frequencies and microwaves)
Man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have a chaotic energy and different frequency than natural EMFs and can disrupt or distort organic energy patterns. It is precisely this ability to distort human energy patterns that causes artificial EMFs to be hazardous. The body operates as an electromagnetic system and resonates with these detrimental fields. Electromagnetic energy affects the polarities in our subtle body and causes changes in our level of health and well‑being on subtle energetic as well as physical levels. - Why are some people affected more than others?
- You may also notice that some individuals are better conductors than others ‑ one individual will cause more of a damping of the bleep frequency than another. This is because, not only do electrical skin resistance and surface skin moisture content vary from person to person, but also because the body has an electrical capacitance, which varies. That is, the body stores the electrons which make up the flow of electricity
- Why do electromagnetic fields cause ill effects in the body?
- Stanford's William Tiller explains that the ill effects are caused by the electrostatically charged particles (photons and electrons from the incoherent electromagnetic field) that are passing through our bodies. These particles are unpolarized, and their behavior is chaotic and disordered as they pass through our cells. The chaotic nature of these particles disturbs our natural energetic field, resulting in damage to the body's tissues.
- What is safe?
- To maintain health, the quality of the electric current should match the body so that the energy resonates with the body and is bioavailable. When these charged particles are repatterned to be ordered and polarized rather than random and chaotic, they are no longer harmful. When this 'coherent polarizing field effect,' occurs the EMF field is repatterned and the ill effects of the offending particles are eliminated.
- Does the electromagnetic field need to be eliminated?
- No. This ordering and polarizing of the offending particles eliminates the toxic effect of the electromagnetic field without having to eliminate the field itself. The SafeSpace products do not block, shield or remove the EMF's but rather convert the harmful fields so they are biologically safe.
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